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180 βιβλία του συγγραφέα
Γρίβας, Κ. |
Guided composition and letter writing 5. Proficiency. An inexhaustible source of ideas for creative
The aim of this series is to help students to write compositions and letters by first studying the models and then by going over the corresponding lauguage notes. These notes will give them constructi...
Guided composition and letter writing 4 first certificate
The aim of this series is to help students to write compositions and letters by first studying the models and then by going over the corresponding lauguage notes. These notes will give them constructi...
Practice tests for the Michigan ECCE NEW FORMAT
Included in the tests are all the language phenomena which are frequently tested, and which are considered essential for success in examinations at this level. The tests were written following thoroug...
Oral and listening practice 1. Class D
The Oral and Listening Practice series has been specifically designed as a form of reconsolidation and follow-up to English Grammar in Practice (Book 4 and 5), and is recommended for use on a parall...
Guided composition and letter writing. 3. Post - Intermediate. An inexhaustible source of ideas for
The aim of this series is to help students to write compositions and letters by first studying the models and then by going over the corresponding lauguage notes. These notes will give them constructi...
Use of english 2 cambridge proficiency revised
CPE Use of English 2 is the second of two books to prepare students for Parer 3 of the revised Campridge CPE examination. The first book in the series helps students suc...
English grammar in practice and use of english 5. For the revised FCE
The systematic coverage of thoroughly-researched grammatical structures in this series aims to instil confidence in students, and familiarize them with the English of today....
Use of English 2. Cambridge Proficiency. Teacher's
CPE Use of English 2 is the second of two books designed to prepare students for Paper 3 of the revised Cambridge CPE Examination. The first book in the series helps stu...
Exploring english 4. Intermediate. Teacher's book
-Word usage: an invaluable alphabetical guide with examples, which covers correct semantic and grammatical usage of words....
Gateway 2. Cambridge proficiency. Coursebook Teacher's
Gateway 2 is a comprehensive coursebook which motivates candidates and provides them with ample material to help them develop the advanced language skills required to pass the CPE examination....
Writing 1. Campridge First Certificate. For E class. Answer booklet
The series provides thorough coverage of all types of written tasks that appear in the FCE Examination. The techniques, structures and vocabulary needed to produce good written material such as letter...
Exploring use of english 1. Teacher's
Exploring Use of English 1 and 2 is a new series of books whose purpose is to explore Use of English and supply candidates with a wealth of informative language material...
Speaking, listening and writing 4
Writing: Whithin each lesson there are micro writing ttasks that give students the opportunity to develop their writing skills gradually and purposefully. From an early age, they learn to do simple tr...
Guided composition and letter writing. 2. Intermediate. An inexhaustible source of ideas for creativ
The aim of this series is to help students to write compositions and letters by first studying the models and then by going over the corresponding lauguage notes. These notes will give them constructi...
Starting steps in grammar. Junior B
Starting steps in grammar is a two-book series for junior A and B classes. The most basic language points and structures are presented in a very simple way, and then pra...
Exploring english 1. Activity book. Beginners. Teacher's
ensures thorough practice of material previously taught....
Exploring English 4. Study companion
- A Vocabulary List in Alphabetical Order at the back of the book....
Use of english 2. Campridge proficiency
Two Use of english books designed for students at Proficiency level, incorporating a wide range of English usage points. The built-up sections will help students to acqu...
Let's write 3. Writing skills with oral practice for young learners
Let's write provides realistic writing tasks based on visually-stimulating and informative material. The activities, ranging from structured writting to free composing, encourage students to develop...
Reading comprehension 1. Campridge proficiency
These tests are designed to give students a complete and thorough coverage of all skills required for a more confided approach to the Campridge Proficiency Examination...
Speaking, listening and writing 4. Teacher's
Writing: Whithin each lesson there are micro writing ttasks that give students the opportunity to develop their writing skills gradually and purposefully. From an early age, they learn to do simple tr...
Go ahead plus. Intermediate. Activity book
-includes a simple, yet thorough, Grammar Reference section, appropriate to this level...
Speaking, listening and writing 3. Teacher's
Writing: Whithin each lesson there are micro writing ttasks that give students the opportunity to develop their writing skills gradually and purposefully. From an early age, they learn to do simple tr...
Let's write 1. Writing skills with oral practice for young learners. Teacher's
Let's write provides realistic writing tasks based on visually-stimulating and informative material. The activities, ranging from structured writting to free composing, encourage students to develop...
Interview practice 2. Campridge proficiency. An in-depth analysis of contemporary themes
Secondly, students' oral preparation is fostered by various carefully constructed prompts required for discussion. Thus, rather than merely testing students' lexical knowledge and ability to express t...
Speaking, listening and writing 3
Writing: Whithin each lesson there are micro writing ttasks that give students the opportunity to develop their writing skills gradually and purposefully. From an early age, they learn to do simple tr...
Exploring first certificate 2. Test booklet
Exploring First Certificate 1 and 2 provide study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks....
Exploring english 2. Study companion
- A Vocabulary List in Alphabetical Order at the back of the book....
Target. An intensive revision and consolidation course for first-time or re-sit FCE candidates
Target FCE thoroughly examines each area of the Cambridge FCE exam, Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening, and Speaking, by presenting the material to students in the same format that will be en...
Exploring english 3. Coursebook. Pre-Intermediate
-Word usage: an invaluable alphabetical guide with examples, which covers correct semantic and grammatical usage of words....
Gateway 2. Cambridge proficiency. Coursebook
Gateway 2 is a comprehensive coursebook which motivates candidates and provides them with ample material to help them develop the advanced language skills required to pass the CPE examination....
Exploring english 3 activity book. Activity book. Pre-Intermediate
-Word usage: an invaluable alphabetical guide with examples, which covers correct semantic and grammatical usage of words....
Go ahead. Intermediate. Coursebook
-haw review units with a specially designed Use of English section, also offering practice in fuctional English...
Exploring use of english 2. Teacher's
Exploring Use of English 1 and 2 is a new series of books whose purpose is to explore Use of English and supply candidates with a wealth of informative language material...
Grammar today 2. Elementary
grammar rather than vocabulary...
Let's write 4. Writing skills with oral practice for young learners
Let's write provides realistic writing tasks based on visually-stimulating and informative material. The activities, ranging from structured writting to free composing, encourage students to develop...
Exploring english 2. Test booklet
ensures thorough practice of material previously taught....
Reading comprehension 2. Campridge proficiency. Teacher's
These tests are designed to give students a complete and thorough coverage of all skills required for a more confided approach to the Campridge Proficiency Examination...
Reading comprehension 1. Campridge proficiency: Teacher's
These tests are designed to give students a complete and thorough coverage of all skills required for a more confided approach to the Campridge Proficiency Examination...
Exploring English grammar 4
-systematic revision sections and progress tests...
Exploring english grammar 1. Teacher's
-systematic revision sections and progress tests...
Interview practice 1. Campridge Pre-First Certificate: An in-depth analysis of contemporary themes
Secondly, students' oral preparation is fostered by various carefully constructed prompts required for discussion. Thus, rather than merely testing students' lexical knowledge and ability to express t...
Go ahead plus. Intermediate. Study companion
-includes a simple, yet thorough, Grammar Reference section, appropriate to this level...
Exploring First certificate 1 coursebook
Exploring First Certificate 1 and 2 provide study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks....
Listening 2. Campridge First Certificate. For FCE class
The practice offered to students using these books will assist them in their preparation for the exam....
Exploring first certificate 1. Coursebook. Teacher's
Exploring First Certificate 1 and 2 provide study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks....
Exploring first certificate 2. Task book
Exploring First Certificate 1 and 2 provide study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks....
Exploring english 3. Activity book. Pre-Intermediate. Teacher's
-Word usage: an invaluable alphabetical guide with examples, which covers correct semantic and grammatical usage of words....
Writing 2. Cambridge First Certificate. For FC Class. Answer booket
The series provides thorough coverage of all types of written tasks that appear in the FCE Examination. The techniques, structures and vocabulary needed to produce good written material such as letter...
Interview practice 1. Campridge proficiency. An in-depth analysis of contemporary themes
Secondly, students' oral preparation is fostered by various carefully constructed prompts required for discussion. Thus, rather than merely testing students' lexical knowledge and ability to express t...
Galaxy grammar and companion 2. Elementary
Storyline, themed units, Grammar, listening and pronunciation, speaking, writing, vocabulary, regular revision....
Exploring use of English 1
Exploring Use of English 1 and 2 is a new series of books whose purpose is to explore Use of English and supply candidates with a wealth of informative language material...
Galaxy grammar and companion 1. Beginner. Teacher's
Storyline, themed units, Grammar, listening and pronunciation, speaking, writing, vocabulary, regular revision....
Exploring english 2. Coursebook. Elementary
ensures thorough practice of material previously taught....
Let's write 1. Writing skills with oral practice for young learners
Let's write provides realistic writing tasks based on visually-stimulating and informative material. The activities, ranging from structured writting to free composing, encourage students to develop...
Go ahead plus. Intermediate. Teacher's guide
-includes a simple, yet thorough, Grammar Reference section, appropriate to this level...
Go ahead. Intermediate. Coursebook. Teacher's
-haw review units with a specially designed Use of English section, also offering practice in fuctional English...
Exploring english grammar 4. Teacher's
-systematic revision sections and progress tests...
Go ahead. Intermediate. Study companion
-haw review units with a specially designed Use of English section, also offering practice in fuctional English...
Exploring first certificate 2. Coursebook: Teacher's
Exploring First Certificate 1 and 2 provide study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks....
Final tests for the Michigan proficiency. Study companion
Integrating concise presentation with ample practice, the book ensures valuable consolidation of all material tested....
Use of english 1. Campridge proficiency. Teacher's
Two Use of english books designed for students at Proficiency level, incorporating a wide range of English usage points. The built-up sections will help students to acqu...
Let's write 4. Writing skills with oral practice for young learners. Teacher's
Let's write provides realistic writing tasks based on visually-stimulating and informative material. The activities, ranging from structured writting to free composing, encourage students to develop...
Exploring english 2. Activity book. Elementary
ensures thorough practice of material previously taught....
Galaxy grammar and companion 1. Beginner
Storyline, themed units, Grammar, listening and pronunciation, speaking, writing, vocabulary, regular revision....
Exploring english 2. Activity book. Elementary. Teacher's
ensures thorough practice of material previously taught....
Progress 4. A graded grammar series: Teacher's
-regular revision lessons help pupils consolidate their newly-acquired knowledge...
Start now, junior B. Companion
- makes learning more natural through photos or realistic situations....
Exploring english 1. Study companion
- A Vocabulary List in Alphabetical Order at the back of the book....
Exploring english 1. Test booklet
ensures thorough practice of material previously taught....
Grammar today 3. Pre-intermediate
grammar rather than vocabulary...
Exploring english 1. Activity book. Beginners
ensures thorough practice of material previously taught....
Oral and listening practice 2. Teacher's. Class E
The Oral and Listening Practice series has been specifically designed as a form of reconsolidation and follow-up to English Grammar in Practice (Book 4 and 5), and is recommended for use on a parall...
Go ahead plus. Intermediate. Coursebook
-includes a simple, yet thorough, Grammar Reference section, appropriate to this level...
First steps to composition through pictures
This structural picture book is intended for both oral and written composition work will give pupils the confidence they need to write easily and correctly within their knowledge of english...
Starting steps in grammar, junior A
Starting steps in grammar is a two-book series for junior A and B classes. The most basic language points and structures are presented in a very simple way, and then pra...
Grammar today 1. Beginner
grammar rather than vocabulary...
Exploring english grammar 3. Teacher's
-systematic revision sections and progress tests...
Listening 2. Campridge First Certificate. For FCE class. Teacher's
The practice offered to students using these books will assist them in their preparation for the exam....
English grammar in practice 4
The systematic coverage of thoroughly-researched grammatical structures in this series aims to instil confidence in students, and familiarize them with the English of today....
Exploring english 1. Coursebook. Beginners
ensures thorough practice of material previously taught....
Exploring First Certificate 1 task book
Exploring First Certificate 1 and 2 provide study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks....
Exploring first certificate 2. Coursebook
Exploring First Certificate 1 and 2 provide study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks....
Exploring use of English 2
Exploring Use of English 1 and 2 is a new series of books whose purpose is to explore Use of English and supply candidates with a wealth of informative language material...
Go ahead plus. Intermediate. Test booklet
-includes a simple, yet thorough, Grammar Reference section, appropriate to this level...
Interview practice 2. Campridge First Proficiency. An in-depth analysis to contemporary themes
Secondly, students' oral preparation is fostered by various carefully constructed prompts required for discussion. Thus, rather than merely testing students' lexical knowledge and ability to express t...
Exploring english 3. Study companion
- A Vocabulary List in Alphabetical Order at the back of the book....
Exploring english 4. Activity book: Intermediate. Teacher's
-Word usage: an invaluable alphabetical guide with examples, which covers correct semantic and grammatical usage of words....
Reading comprehension 2. Campridge proficiency
These tests are designed to give students a complete and thorough coverage of all skills required for a more confided approach to the Campridge Proficiency Examination...
Go ahead plus. Intermediate. Activity book. Teacher's
-includes a simple, yet thorough, Grammar Reference section, appropriate to this level...
Exploring first certificate 2. Task book: Teacher's
Exploring First Certificate 1 and 2 provide study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks....
Go ahead. Intermediate. Teacher's guide
-haw review units with a specially designed Use of English section, also offering practice in fuctional English...
Use of english 2. Cambridge proficiency. Study companion
The series will provide candidates with extensive coverage of the intricacies of English usage and prepare them for the demands of thw revised Cambridge CPE Examination...
Exploring first certificate 1. Task book: Teacher's
Exploring First Certificate 1 and 2 provide study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks....
Exploring English grammar 1
-systematic revision sections and progress tests...
Exploring English grammar 2
-systematic revision sections and progress tests...
Start now, junior A. Companion
- makes learning fun with colour flashcards and stickers....
Let's write 2. Writing skills with oral practice for young learners. Teacher's
Let's write provides realistic writing tasks based on visually-stimulating and informative material. The activities, ranging from structured writting to free composing, encourage students to develop...
Use of english 2. Campridge proficiency. Teacher's
Two Use of english books designed for students at Proficiency level, incorporating a wide range of English usage points. The built-up sections will help students to acqu...
Go ahead. Intermediate. Activity book. Teacher's
-haw review units with a specially designed Use of English section, also offering practice in fuctional English...
Exploring english 3. Test booklet
-Word usage: an invaluable alphabetical guide with examples, which covers correct semantic and grammatical usage of words....
Use of english 1. Campridge proficiency
Two Use of english books designed for students at Proficiency level, incorporating a wide range of English usage points. The built-up sections wiil help students to acqu...
Let's write 2. Writing skills with oral practice for young learners
Let's write provides realistic writing tasks based on visually-stimulating and informative material. The activities, ranging from structured writting to free composing, encourage students to develop...
Let's write 3. Writing skills with oral practice for young learners. Teacher's
Let's write provides realistic writing tasks based on visually-stimulating and informative material. The activities, ranging from structured writting to free composing, encourage students to develop...
Exploring english grammar 2. Teacher's
-systematic revision sections and progress tests...
Skyline, junior B. Companion
-interactive, co-operative and enjoyable classroom learning...