Τίτλος : Legends of Ancient Egypt
Συγγραφέας : Murray, M. A. ISBN : 0486411370 ISBN 13 : 9780486411378 Εκδόσεις : DOVER Σελίδες : 80 Τιμή: 4.95 euro
Περιγραφή : Eleven carefully chosen, highly readable stories—among the earliest literature known to Western man—provide a revealing glimpse into the lives and culture of the ancient Egyptians Includes "The Scorpions of Isis," "The Princess and the Demon," "The Name of Ra," "The Regions of Night and Thick Darkness," and legends of other deities. Intended for a general reading public, the text also includes material for the more serious student of Egyptology, with information on origins of legends and where material first appeared.
Εμφανίσεις : 515
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