Τίτλος : The Wordsworth Book of First World War Poetry
ISBN : 185326444X ISBN 13 : 9781853264443 Εκδόσεις : WORDSWORTH EDITIONS Σελίδες : 160 Τιμή: 5.40 euro
Περιγραφή : was Siegfried Sassoon's anguished cry for those whose sacrifice seemed futile. Yet eighty years later it is because of Sassoon and his fellow poets - Owen, Rosenberg, Sorley and many others - that we do remember. This new anthology will serve as an introduction to the poetry of that great conflict, and the inclusion of a number of rarely anthologised poets, many from the ranks, as well as anonymous poems and songs, serves to bring a quality of freshness to the selection.
Εμφανίσεις : 684
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